Deepkit Filesystem

Deepkit Filesystem is a filesystem abstraction for local and remote filesystems. It allows you to work with files and directories in a unified way, no matter if the files are stored locally or on a remote server.

Supported filesystems out of the box:

  • Local filesystem (packaged in @deepkit/filesystem)
  • Memory (packaged in @deepkit/filesystem)
  • FTP (packaged in @deepkit/filesystem-ftp)
  • SFTP (packaged in @deepkit/filesystem-sftp)
  • AWS S3 (packaged in @deepkit/filesystem-aws-s3)
  • Google Cloud Filesystem (packaged in @deepkit/filesystem-google)


npm install @deepkit/filesystem

Note: If you don't use NPM, make sure peer dependencies are installed correctly.


import { Filesystem, FilesystemLocalAdapter } from '@deepkit/filesystem';

const adapter = new FilesystemLocalAdapter('/path/to/my/files');
const filesystem = new Filesystem(adapter);

const files = await filesystem.files();
for (const file of files) {

await filesystem.write('myFile.txt', 'Hello World');
const file = await filesystem.get('myFile.txt');
console.log(file.path, file.size, file.lastModified);

const content = await'myFile.txt');

List Files

To list files use the files() method. It returns an array of File objects.

const files = await filesystem.files();
for (const file of files) {

If the array is empty, either the folder doesn't exist or no files in there.

To list all files recursively use the allFiles() method.

const files = await filesystem.allFiles();
for (const file of files) {

Read File

To read a file use the read() method. It returns the file content as Uint8Array.

const content = await'myFile.txt');

To read it as a text use the readAsText() method. It returns a string.

const content = await filesystem.readAsText('myFile.txt');

Write File

To write a file use the write() method. It accepts a Uint8Array or a string.

await filesystem.write('myFile.txt', 'Hello World');

To write from a local file use the writeFile() method.

Note that the first argument is the directory, not the file name. The file name is the basename of the provided file. You can change the file name by passing a {name: 'myFile.txt'} object as second argument. If no file extension is provided, the extension is automatically detected.

const path = await filesystem.writeFile('/', { path: '/path/to/local/file.txt' });

// works with UploadedFile'/upload', async (body: HttpBody<{ file: UploadedFile }>, filesystem: Filesystem, session: Session) => {
    const user = session.getUser();
    const path = await filesystem.writeFile('/user-images', body.file, { name: `user-${}` });
    //path = /user-images/user-123.jpg

Delete File

To delete a file use the delete() method.

await filesystem.delete('myFile.txt');

This deletes the file myFile.txt in the root folder. If the path is a directory, it throws an error.

Delete Directory

To delete a directory use the deleteDirectory() method. This deletes the directory and all files and directories inside.

await filesystem.deleteDirectory('myFolder');

Create Directory

To create a directory use the createDirectory() method.

await filesystem.makeDirectory('myFolder');

Move File

To move a file or directory use the move() method. It accepts a File object or a path.

await filesystem.move('myFile.txt', 'myFolder/myFile.txt');

It creates the directory myFolder if it doesn't exist.

Copy File

To copy a file or directory use the copy() method. It accepts a File object or a path.

await filesystem.copy('myFile.txt', 'myFolder/myFile.txt');

It creates the directory myFolder if it doesn't exist.

File Information

To get information about a file use the get() method. It returns a File object.

const file: FilesystemFile = await filesystem.get('myFile.txt');
console.log(file.path, file.size, file.lastModified);

It returns the path, the file size in bytes, and the last modified date. Modified date might be undefined if the adapter doesn't support it.

The File object also has some handy methods:

interface FilesystemFile {
    path: string;
    type: FileType; //file or directory
    size: number;
    lastModified?: Date;
     * Visibility of the file.
     * Note that some adapters might not support reading the visibility of a file.
     * In this case, the visibility is always 'private'.
     * Some adapters might support reading the visibility per file, but not when listing files.
     * In this case you have to call additional `filesystem.get(file)` to load the visibility.
    visibility: FileVisibility; //public or private
    constructor(path: string, type?: FileType);
     * Returns true if this file is a symbolic link.
    isFile(): boolean;
     * Returns true if this file is a directory.
    isDirectory(): boolean;
     * Returns the name (basename) of the file.
    get name(): string;
     * Returns true if this file is in the given directory.
    inDirectory(directory: string): boolean;
     * Returns the directory (dirname) of the file.
    get directory(): string;
     * Returns the extension of the file, or an empty string if not existing or a directory.
    get extension(): string;

File Exists

To check if a file exists use the exists() method.

if (await filesystem.exists('myFile.txt')) {
    console.log('File exists');

File Visibility

Deepkit Filesystems supports a simple file visibility abstraction that can be used to make files public or private.

This is useful for example for S3 or Google Cloud Filesystem. For local filesystem it sets the file permissions depending on the visibility.

To set the visibility of a file use either the setVisibility() method or pass the visibility as third argument to write().

await filesystem.setVisibility('myFile.txt', 'public');
await filesystem.write('myFile.txt', 'Hello World', 'public');

To get the visibility of a file use the getVisibility() method or check FilesystemFile.visibility.

const visibility = await filesystem.getVisibility('myFile.txt');
const file = await filesystem.get('myFile.txt');

Note that some adapters might not support getting the visibility from sotrage.files(). In this case the visibility is always unknown.

File Public URL

To get the public URL of a file use the publicUrl() method. This only works if the file is public and the adapter supports it.

const url = filesystem.publicUrl('myFile.txt');

If the adapter doesn't support public urls, the Filesystem abstraction handles it generating an url by using option.baseUrl.

const filesystem = new Filesystem(new FilesystemLocalAdapter('/path/to/my/files'), {
    baseUrl: ''

const url = await filesystem.publicUrl('myFile.txt');
console.log(url); //

Filesystem Options

The Filesystem constructor accepts a second argument with options.

const filesystem = new Filesystem(new FilesystemLocalAdapter('/path/to/my/files'), {
    visibility: 'private', //default visibility for files
    directoryVisibility: 'private', //default visibility for directories
    pathNormalizer: (path: string) => path, //normalizes the path. By default it replaces `[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]` with `-`.
    urlBuilder: (path: string) => path, //builds the public url for a file. By default it returns baseUrl + path
    baseUrl: '', //base url for public urls