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Deepkit is a German software engineering company building high-fidelity and top-notch web applications with over 20 years experience, specialised in machine learning, delivering scalable and innovative solutions.

We design and implement complex custom web applications for international and
local clients using our unique high-performance TypeScript tech stack.
If you have a project and need help, contact us or book us now.


Need help with your project?
TypeScript, Deepkit, Angular, C++, Python, Machine Learning ‐ We got you covered.

No matter if you need a jumpstart, a code review, pair programming session,
architecture consulting, or just a helping hand.

Startup Boost

  • Unlimited requests
  • Training
  • Architecture
  • Design Patterns
  • Code examples
  • Managed via Discord
  • Deepkit

Unlimited Support

Monthly $6,999
  • Unlimited requests
  • Answer within 12h
  • Pair programming
  • Code examples
  • Via Discord/Microsoft Teams
  • Design Patterns
  • Invite your team
  • Deepkit, TypeScript, HTML


  • On-site or remote
  • Deepkit, TypeScript, HTML
  • Design Patterns
  • Architecture
  • Performance
  • Testing
  • Machine Learning
  • Database design

How does it work?

You book us and we help you. We use Discord/Microsoft Teams for communication and screen sharing.

Unlimited Support: Limited to 1 project. Cancel anytime. When you cancel, no money refund. If we cancel, we refund the remaining time. Does not include writing code for you, except for code examples. Free high priority bug fix for any bug in Deepkit. See Terms of Service for details.

Custom Prototypes

We put money where our mouth is. We build your prototype in 1-3 weeks.

No sales, no project manager, no scrum, no bullshit. Just results.


One-time $18,995
  • No hidden fees or ongoing costs
  • Proof of concept
  • Bootstrap your project
  • Based on your design
  • Low test coverage
  • Essential documentation
  • Modern enterprise patterns
  • TypeScript, HTML, CSS, C++, Python


One-time $28,995
  • No hidden fees or ongoing costs
  • Proof of concept
  • Bootstrap your project
  • Based on your design
  • High test coverage
  • Extensive documentation
  • Modern enterprise patterns
  • TypeScript, HTML, CSS, C++, Python

Machine Learning

One-time $39,995
  • No hidden fees or ongoing costs
  • Test your hypothesis
  • Custom architecture/models
  • Data cleaning
  • Data augmentation & gen
  • Python or C++
  • Based on Pytorch/Libtorch
  • Including server/GUI
  • Training costs excluded

We build prototypes and MVPs

We build prototypes and small MVPs to test if your hypothesis/business model works ‐ fast. Our prototype is a fully functional application that implements the core features of your product. It's not a mockup, it's not a wireframe, it's not a clickable demo. It's a real application that you can use and test in production.

The prototype we build is not a throw-away. It's the foundation of your product. We build it with the same quality standards as we would build a production application, but with less features and less tests. We apply the same architecture and design patterns as we would do for a production application to ensure that the prototype can be easily extended and maintained, eventually becoming the production application.


  • Need a more advanced prototype? We can build it for you. Contact us for a quote.
  • Per project price (not hourly)
  • No hidden fees or ongoing costs
  • Optionally with design and branding


  • No money, but a great idea?
  • We develop the prototype
  • We get a share of your company (at least 50%)
  • We create design and branding
  • We pay for the server costs

How does it work?

You send us your idea, ideally with fully designed screens. We review it and tell you if it's doable in the given time frame. If yes, we send you an invoice and start working.
We primarily use Angular, TypeScript, and Deepkit Framework with NodeJS, Docker, and PostgreSQL to build your prototype and host on Google Cloud Platform. We use Discord or Microsoft Teams for communication, screen sharing,and presentation of status updates. See Terms of Service for details.

Made in Germany