Deepkit App


Deepkit Logger is a standalone library with a primary Logger class that you can use to log information. This class is automatically available in the Dependency Injection container of your Deepkit application.

The Logger class has several methods, each of which behaves like console.log.

logger.log()Default log3 information4
logger.debug()Debug information5

By default, a logger has info level, i.e. it processes only info messages and more (i.e. log, warning, error, but not debug). To change the log level call for example logger.level = 5.

Use in the application

To use the logger in your Deepkit application, you can simply inject Logger into your services or controllers.

import { Logger } from '@deepkit/logger';
import { App } from '@deepkit/app';

const app = new App();
app.command('test', (logger: Logger) => {
    logger.log('This is a <yellow>log message</yellow>');


The logger supports colored log messages. You can provide colors by using XML tags that surround the text you want to appear in color.

const username = 'Peter';
logger.log(`Hi <green>${username}</green>`);

For transporters that do not support colors, the color information is automatically removed. In the default transporter (ConsoleTransport) the color is displayed. The following colors are available: black, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, white and grey/gray.


You can configure a single transporter or multiple transporters. In a Deepkit application, the ConsoleTransport transporter is configured automatically. To configure additional transporters, you can use Setup Calls:

import { Logger, LoggerTransport } from '@deepkit/logger';

export class MyTransport implements LoggerTransport {
    write(message: string, level: LoggerLevel, rawMessage: string) {
        process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify({message: rawMessage, level, time: new Date}) + '\n');

    supportsColor() {
        return false;

new App()
    .setup((module, config) => {
        module.configureProvider<Logger>(v => v.addTransport(new MyTransport));

To replace all transporters with a new set of transporters, use setTransport:

import { Logger } from '@deepkit/logger';

new App()
.setup((module, config) => {
    module.configureProvider<Logger>(v => v.setTransport([new MyTransport]));
import { Logger, JSONTransport } from '@deepkit/logger';

new App()
    .setup((module, config) => {
        module.configureProvider<Logger>(v => v.setTransport([new JSONTransport]));

Scoped Logger

Scoped loggers add an arbitrary area name to each log entry, which can be helpful in determining which subarea of your application the log entry originated from.

const scopedLogger = logger.scoped('database');
scopedLogger.log('Query', query);

There is also a ScopedLogger type that you can use to inject scoped loggers into your services.

import { ScopedLogger } from '@deepkit/logger';

class MyService {
    constructor(protected logger: ScopedLogger) {}
    doSomething() {
        this.logger.log('This is wild');

All messages from a scoped logger are prefixed with the MyService scope name now.


With formatters, you can change the message format, e.g. add the timestamp. When an application is started via server:start, a DefaultFormatter is automatically added (which adds timestamp, range and log level) if no other formatter is available.

JSON Transporter

To change the output to JSON protocols, you can use the supplied JSONTransport.

Context Data

To add contextual data to a log entry, add a simple object literal as the last argument. Only log calls with at least two arguments can contain contextual data.

const query = 'SELECT *';
const user = new User;
logger.log('Query', {query, user}); //last argument is context data
logger.log('Another', 'wild log entry', query, {user}); //last argument is context data

logger.log({query, user}); //this is not handled as context data.