Deepkit ORM

Session / Unit Of Work

A session is something like a unit of work. It keeps track of everything you do and automatically records the changes whenever commit() is called. It is the preferred way to execute changes in the database because it bundles statements in a way that makes it very fast. A session is very lightweight and can easily be created in a request-response lifecycle, for example.

import { SQLiteDatabaseAdapter } from '@deepkit/sqlite';
import { entity, PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement } from '@deepkit/type';
import { Database } from '@deepkit/orm';

async function main() {'user')
    class User {
        id: number & PrimaryKey & AutoIncrement = 0;
        created: Date = new Date;

        constructor(public name: string) {

    const database = new Database(new SQLiteDatabaseAdapter(':memory:'), [User]);
    await database.migrate();

    const session = database.createSession();
    session.add(new User('User1'), new User('User2'), new User('User3'));

    await session.commit();

    const users = await session.query(User).find();


Add new instance to the session with session.add(T) or remove existing instances with session.remove(T). Once you are done with the Session object, simply dereference it everywhere so that the garbage collector can remove it.

Changes are automatically detected for entity instances fetched via the Session object.

const users = await session.query(User).find();
for (const user of users) { += ' changed';

await session.commit();//saves all users

Identity Map

Sessions provide an identity map that ensures there is only ever one javascript object per database entry. For example, if you run session.query(User).find() twice within the same session, you get two different arrays, but with the same entity instances in them.

If you add a new entity with session.add(entity1) and retrieve it again, you get exactly the same entity instance entity1.

Important: Once you start using sessions, you should use their session.query method instead of database.query. Only session queries have the identity mapping feature enabled.

Change Detection
