Deepkit ORM


Events are a way to hook into Deepkit ORM and allow you to write powerful plugins. There are two categories of events: Query events and Unit-of-Work events. Plugin authors typically use both to support both ways of manipulating data.

Events are registered via Database.listen un an event token. Short-lived event listeners can also be registered on sessions.

import { Query, Database } from '@deepkit/orm';

const database = new Database(...);
database.listen(Query.onFetch, async (event) => {

const session = database.createSession();

//will only be executed for this particular session
session.eventDispatcher.listen(Query.onFetch, async (event) => {

Query Events

Query events are triggered when a query is executed via Database.query() or Session.query().

Each event has its own additional properties such as the type of entity, the query itself and the database session. You can override the query by setting a new query to Event.query.

import { Query, Database } from '@deepkit/orm';

const database = new Database(...);

const unsubscribe = database.listen(Query.onFetch, async event => {
    //overwrite the query of the user, so something else is executed.
    event.query = event.query.filterField('fieldName', 123);

//to delete the hook call unsubscribe

"Query" has several event tokens:

Query.onFetchWhen objects where fetched via find()/findOne()/etc
Query.onDeletePreBefore objects are deleted via deleteMany/deleteOne()
Query.onDeletePostAfter objects are deleted via deleteMany/deleteOne()
Query.onPatchPreBefore objects are patched/updated via patchMany/patchOne()
Query.onPatchPostAfter objects are patched/updated via patchMany/patchOne()

Unit Of Work Events

Unit-of-work events are triggered when a new session submits changes.

DatabaseSession.onUpdatePreTriggered just before the DatabaseSession object initiates an update operation on the database records.
DatabaseSession.onUpdatePostTriggered immediately after the DatabaseSession object has successfully completed the update operation.
DatabaseSession.onInsertPreTriggered just before the DatabaseSession object starts the insertion of new records into the database.
DatabaseSession.onInsertPostTriggered immediately after the DatabaseSession object has successfully inserted the new records.
DatabaseSession.onDeletePreTriggered just before the DatabaseSession object begins a delete operation to remove records from the database.
DatabaseSession.onDeletePostTriggered immediately after the DatabaseSession object has completed the delete operation.
DatabaseSession.onCommitPreTriggered just before the DatabaseSession object commits any changes made during the session to the database.