Deepkit ORM


A query is an object that describes how to retrieve or modify data from the database. It has several methods to describe the query and termination methods that execute them. The database adapter can extend the query API in many ways to support database specific features.

You can create a query using Database.query(T) or Session.query(T). We recommend Sessions as it improves performance.'user')
class User {
    id: number & PrimaryKey & AutoIncrement = 0;
    created: Date = new Date;
    birthdate?: Date;
    visits: number = 0;

    constructor(public username: string) {

const database = new Database(...);

//[ { username: 'User1' }, { username: 'User2' }, { username: 'User2' } ]
const users = await database.query(User).select('username').find();


A filter can be applied to limit the result set.

//simple filters
const users = await database.query(User).filter({name: 'User1'}).find();

//multiple filters, all AND
const users = await database.query(User).filter({name: 'User1', id: 2}).find();

//range filter: $gt, $lt, $gte, $lte (greater than, lower than, ...)
//equivalent to WHERE created < NOW()
const users = await database.query(User).filter({created: {$lt: new Date}}).find();
//equivalent to WHERE id > 500
const users = await database.query(User).filter({id: {$gt: 500}}).find();
//equivalent to WHERE id >= 500
const users = await database.query(User).filter({id: {$gte: 500}}).find();

//set filter: $in, $nin (in, not in)
//equivalent to WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3)
const users = await database.query(User).filter({id: {$in: [1, 2, 3]}}).find();

//regex filter
const users = await database.query(User).filter({username: {$regex: /User[0-9]+/}}).find();

//grouping: $and, $nor, $or
//equivalent to WHERE (username = 'User1') OR (username = 'User2')
const users = await database.query(User).filter({
    $or: [{username: 'User1'}, {username: 'User2'}]

//nested grouping
//equivalent to WHERE username = 'User1' OR (username = 'User2' and id > 0)
const users = await database.query(User).filter({
    $or: [{username: 'User1'}, {username: 'User2', id: {$gt: 0}}]

//nested grouping
//equivalent to WHERE username = 'User1' AND (created < NOW() OR id > 0)
const users = await database.query(User).filter({
    $and: [{username: 'User1'}, {$or: [{created: {$lt: new Date}, id: {$gt: 0}}]}]


Greater / Smaller


Grouping AND/OR



To narrow down the fields to be received from the database, select('field1') can be used.

const user = await database.query(User).select('username').findOne();
const user = await database.query(User).select('id', 'username').findOne();

It is important to note that as soon as the fields are narrowed down using select, the results are no longer instances of the entity, but only object literals.

const user = await database.query(User).select('username').findOne();
user instanceof User; //false


With orderBy(field, order) the order of the entries can be changed. Several times orderBy can be executed to refine the order more and more.

const users = await session.query(User).orderBy('created', 'desc').find();
const users = await session.query(User).orderBy('created', 'asc').find();


The itemsPerPage() and page() methods can be used to paginate the results. Page starts at 1.

const users = await session.query(User).itemsPerPage(50).page(1).find();

With the alternative methods limit and skip you can paginate manually.

const users = await session.query(User).limit(5).skip(10).find();



By default, references from the entity are neither included in queries nor loaded. To include a join in the query without loading the reference, use join() (left join) or innerJoin(). To include a join in the query and load the reference, use joinWith() or innerJoinWith().

All the following examples assume these model schemas:'group')
class Group {
    id: number & PrimaryKey & AutoIncrement = 0;
    created: Date = new Date;

    constructor(public username: string) {
class User {
    id: number & PrimaryKey & AutoIncrement = 0;
    created: Date = new Date;

    group?: Group & Reference;

    constructor(public username: string) {
//select only users with a group assigned (INNER JOIN)
const users = await session.query(User).innerJoin('group').find();
for (const user of users) {; //error, since reference was not loaded
//select only users with a group assigned (INNER JOIN) and load the relation
const users = await session.query(User).innerJoinWith('group').find();
for (const user of users) {; //works

To modify join queries, use the same methods, but with the use prefix: useJoin, useInnerJoin, useJoinWith or useInnerJoinWith. To end the join query modification, use end() to get back the parent query.

//select only users with a group with name 'admins' assigned (INNER JOIN)
const users = await session.query(User)
        .filter({name: 'admins'})
        .end()  // returns to the parent query

for (const user of users) {; //always admin


Aggregation methods allow you to count records and aggregate fields.

The following examples assume this model scheme:'file')
class File {
    id: number & PrimaryKey & AutoIncrement = 0;
    created: Date = new Date;

    downloads: number = 0;

    category: string = 'none';

    constructor(public path: string & Index) {

groupBy allows to group the result by the specified field.

await database.persist(
    cast<File>({path: 'file1', category: 'images'}),
    cast<File>({path: 'file2', category: 'images'}),
    cast<File>({path: 'file3', category: 'pdfs'})

//[ { category: 'images' }, { category: 'pdfs' } ]
await session.query(File).groupBy('category').find();

There are several aggregation methods: withSum, withAverage, withCount, withMin, withMax, withGroupConcat. Each requires a field name as the first argument and an optional second argument to change the alias.

// first let's update some of the records:
await database.query(File).filter({path: 'images/file1'}).patchOne({$inc: {downloads: 15}});
await database.query(File).filter({path: 'images/file2'}).patchOne({$inc: {downloads: 5}});

//[{ category: 'images', downloads: 20 },{ category: 'pdfs', downloads: 0 }]
await session.query(File).groupBy('category').withSum('downloads').find();

//[{ category: 'images', downloads: 10 },{ category: 'pdfs', downloads: 0 }]
await session.query(File).groupBy('category').withAverage('downloads').find();

//[ { category: 'images', amount: 2 }, { category: 'pdfs', amount: 1 } ]
await session.query(File).groupBy('category').withCount('id', 'amount').find();


With returning additional fields can be requested in case of changes via patch and delete.

Caution: Not all database adapters return fields atomically. Use transactions to ensure data consistency.

await database.query(User).patchMany({visits: 0});

//{ modified: 1, returning: { visits: [ 5 ] }, primaryKeys: [ 1 ] }
const result = await database.query(User)
    .filter({username: 'User1'})
    .returning('username', 'visits')
    .patchOne({$inc: {visits: 5}});


Returns an array of entries matching the specified filter.

const users: User[] = await database.query(User).filter({username: 'Peter'}).find();


Returns an item that matches the specified filter. If no item is found, an ItemNotFound error is thrown.

const users: User = await database.query(User).filter({username: 'Peter'}).findOne();


Returns an entry that matches the specified filter. If no entry is found, undefined is returned.

const query = database.query(User).filter({username: 'Peter'});
const users: User|undefined = await query.findOneOrUndefined();


Returns a list of a field that match the specified filter.

const usernames: string[] = await database.query(User).findField('username');


Returns a list of a field that match the specified filter. If no entry is found, an ItemNotFound error is thrown.

const username: string = await database.query(User).filter({id: 3}).findOneField('username');


Patch is a change query that patches the records described in the query. The methods patchOne and patchMany finish the query and execute the patch.

patchMany changes all records in the database that match the specified filter. If no filter is set, the whole table will be changed. Use patchOne to change only one entry at a time.

await database.query(User).filter({username: 'Peter'}).patch({username: 'Peter2'});

await database.query(User).filter({username: 'User1'}).patchOne({birthdate: new Date});
await database.query(User).filter({username: 'User1'}).patchOne({$inc: {visits: 1}});

await database.query(User).patchMany({visits: 0});


deleteMany deletes all entries in the database that match the specified filter. If no filter is set, the whole table will be deleted. Use deleteOne to delete only one entry at a time.

const result = await database.query(User)
    .filter({visits: 0})

const result = await database.query(User).filter({id: 4}).deleteOne();


Returns whether at least one entry exists in the database.

const userExists: boolean = await database.query(User).filter({username: 'Peter'}).has();


Returns the number of entries.

const userCount: number = await database.query(User).count();


Lifting a query means adding new functionality to it. This is usually used either by plugins or complex architectures to split larger query classes into several convenient, reusable classes.

import { FilterQuery, Query } from '@deepkit/orm';

class UserQuery<T extends {birthdate?: Date}> extends Query<T>  {
    hasBirthday() {
        const start = new Date();
        const end = new Date();

        return this.filter({$and: [{birthdate: {$gte: start}}, {birthdate: {$lte: end}}]} as FilterQuery<T>);

await session.query(User).lift(UserQuery).hasBirthday().find();