Deepkit ORM

ORM Browser

Deepkit ORM Browser is a web-based tool to explore your database schema and data. It is built on top of the Deepkit Framework and can be used with any database supported by the Deepkit ORM.


Deepkit ORM Browser is part of the Deepkit Framework and enabled when debug mode is enabled.

import { App } from '@deepkit/app';
import { Database } from '@deepkit/orm';

class MyController {
    index() {
        return 'Hello World';

class MainDatabase extends Database {
    constructor() {
        super(new DatabaseAdapterSQLite());

new App({
    controllers: [MyController],
    providers: [MainDatabase],
    imports: [new FrameworkModule({debug: true})],

Alternatively, you can install Deepkit ORM Browser as a standalone package.

npm install @deepkit/orm-browser
// database.ts
import { Database } from '@deepkit/orm';

class MainDatabase extends Database {
    constructor() {
        super(new DatabaseAdapterSQLite());

export const database = new MainDatabase();

Next, Deepkit ORM Browser server can be started.

./node_modules/.bin/deepkit-orm-browser database.ts

Deepkit ORM Browser is now available at http://localhost:9090.