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What are the available events and how can I use them?

Deepkit HTTP
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The available events are:

  • httpWorkflow.onRequest: Triggered when a new request comes in.
  • httpWorkflow.onRoute: Triggered when the route should be resolved from the request.
  • httpWorkflow.onRouteNotFound: Triggered when the route is not found.
  • httpWorkflow.onAuth: Triggered when authentication happens.
  • httpWorkflow.onResolveParameters: Triggered when route parameters are resolved.
  • httpWorkflow.onAccessDenied: Triggered when access is denied.
  • httpWorkflow.onController: Triggered when the controller action is called.
  • httpWorkflow.onControllerError: Triggered when the controller action throws an error.
  • httpWorkflow.onParametersFailed: Triggered when route parameters resolving failed.
  • httpWorkflow.onResponse: Triggered when the controller action has been called and the result is converted to a response.

You can use these events to hook into the entire process of processing an HTTP request and modify the behavior accordingly.