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How can I add additional headers to the HTTP responses?

Deepkit HTTP
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To add additional headers to the HTTP responses, you can use the header method of the Response object.

Here's an example:

import { Response } from '@deepkit/http';

router.get('/', () => {
  const content = 'Hello World';
  const contentType = 'text/plain';
  return new Response(content, contentType)
    .header('X-Custom-Header', 'Custom Value');

In this example, the response will have an additional header called X-Custom-Header with a value of Custom Value. You can chain multiple header calls to add multiple headers to the response.

HtmlResponse and JsonResponse extends the Response class, so you can use the header method on them as well.

The Response class also provides other useful methods for manipulating the response, like status, contentType, header, headers. Use autocomplete to see all available methods.