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How can I use a resolver to resolve complex parameter types routes?

Deepkit HTTP
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To use a resolver to resolve complex parameter types in routes, you can register the resolver in the dependency injection container and associate it with the complex parameter type using the @http.resolveParameter decorator. The resolver will then be used to provide the complex parameter type in route functions or methods.

Here is an example of how to use a resolver to resolve a complex parameter type in a route:

import { RouteParameterResolver, RouteParameterResolverContext, http } from '@deepkit/http';

class MyResolver implements RouteParameterResolver {
  async resolve(context: RouteParameterResolverContext) {
    // Resolve the complex parameter type here and return it

class MyController {
  @http.resolveParameter(ComplexParameterType, MyResolver)
  myRoute(parameter: ComplexParameterType) {
    // Handle the complex parameter type here

In this example, the MyResolver class implements the RouteParameterResolver interface to define how to resolve the complex parameter type. The @http.resolveParameter decorator is used to associate the resolver with the ComplexParameterType. This allows Deepkit to automatically resolve the complex parameter type in the myRoute method.