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Can Deepkit handle session management and authentication?

Deepkit HTTP
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Yes, Deepkit can handle session management and authentication. Deepkit provides support for sessions through the @deepkit/session module, which includes features such as session storage, session encryption, and session middleware.

Here is an example of how to use the session module in Deepkit:

import { App } from '@deepkit/app';
import { http } from '@deepkit/http';
import { sessionModule } from '@deepkit/session';

class MyController {
  login() {
    // Handle login logic here

const app = new App({ controllers: [MyController], imports: [sessionModule] });;

In this example, the session middleware is added to the MyController class using the @http.middleware decorator. This enables session management for all routes in the controller. The sessionModule is imported in the App configuration to enable session support.

You can customize the session configuration and storage by passing options to the sessionModule.middleware() function and configuring the session module in the App configuration. For more information on session management in Deepkit, you can refer to the Deepkit documentation.